10 July 2024

The ROI of Legal Tech: Calculating the True Value of AI in Your Law Firm

A practical step-by-step guide from LegalLogiq

How to calculate ROI of legal tech?

Calculate legal tech ROI by comparing the costs of implementation with the benefits, including time saved, increased billable hours, and improved client satisfaction.

What is the value of AI in law firms?

AI in law firms can increase efficiency, reduce errors, improve client service, and allow lawyers to focus on high-value tasks, ultimately boosting profitability.

How to implement AI in a law firm?

Implement AI in a law firm by identifying areas for improvement, selecting appropriate solutions, training staff, and gradually integrating AI tools into existing workflows.


As law firms increasingly turn to artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline operations and enhance service delivery, a crucial question arises: What’s the return on investment (ROI) for these technologies? This blog post will guide you through the process of calculating the true value of AI in your law firm, providing concrete steps and implementation advice to ensure you’re making informed decisions about your tech investments.

Step 1: Identify Areas for AI Implementation

Before calculating ROI, it’s essential to identify where AI can have the most significant impact in your firm.

Action Items:

      • Conduct a firm-wide survey to identify time-consuming, repetitive tasks

      • Analyze your current workflows to spot inefficiencies

      • Review client feedback to understand areas for service improvement

    Example: You might find that document review for due diligence is a major time sink, making it a prime candidate for AI automation.
    Tip: See our other blog post “5 Ways AI is Revolutionizing Legal Task Management: A Deep Dive” for ideas

    Step 2: Quantify Current Costs

    To understand the potential ROI, you need a clear picture of your current costs.

    Action Items:

        • Calculate the average time spent on tasks that could be automated

        • Determine the hourly rate of staff performing these tasks

        • Estimate the opportunity cost of time not spent on billable work

        • Don’t forget to include “startup and maintenance” time in your calculations – in essence, the time it takes to onboard someone to these tasks or to manage the project, meetings, etc.

      Example: If associates spend 20 hours per week on document review at $200/hour, that’s $4,000 per week or $208,000 per year in labor costs.

      Step 3: Estimate AI Implementation Costs

      Next, assess the costs associated with implementing AI solutions.

      Action Items:

          • Research pricing for relevant AI tools (consider subscription fees, setup costs, etc.)

          • Estimate training costs for staff to use new AI tools

          • Factor in any necessary infrastructure upgrades

        Example: An AI-powered document review tool might cost $50,000 annually, with $10,000 in initial training and setup costs.

        Step 4: Project Time and Cost Savings

        Now, it’s time to estimate how much time and money AI could save your firm.

        Action Items:

            • Consult with AI vendors to understand typical efficiency gains

            • Pilot test AI solutions in a controlled environment to measure improvements

            • Calculate potential savings based on reduced labor hours and increased efficiency

          Example: If AI can reduce document review time by 70%, that’s 14 hours saved per week, or $2,800 in labor costs. Annually, this amounts to $145,600 in savings.

          Step 5: Consider Quality Improvements

          AI isn’t just about saving time—it can also improve the quality of work.

          Action Items:

              • Estimate error reduction rates with AI implementation

              • Calculate the cost savings from avoiding potential mistakes

              • Consider the value of improved consistency in your work product

            Example: If AI-assisted review reduces errors by 50%, potentially saving one major litigation error per year valued at $100,000, factor this into your ROI calculations.

            Step 6: Assess Impact on Billable Hours

            While AI may reduce time spent on certain tasks, it can free up lawyers for more billable work.

            Action Items:

                • Estimate the increase in billable hours from time saved on non-billable tasks

                • Calculate the potential revenue increase from these additional billable hours

                • Consider how AI might allow you to take on more clients or cases

              Example: If lawyers can bill an additional 5 hours per week at $400/hour due to AI efficiencies, that’s an extra $104,000 in annual revenue.

              Step 7: Evaluate Client Satisfaction and Retention

              Improved efficiency and quality can lead to higher client satisfaction and better retention rates.

              Action Items:

                  • Survey clients on their satisfaction with AI-enhanced services

                  • Calculate the lifetime value of a client to your firm

                  • Estimate the impact of improved retention on your bottom line

                Example: If improved service leads to retaining two additional major clients per year, each worth $50,000 annually, that’s an extra $100,000 in retained revenue.

                Step 8: Calculate Total ROI

                Now, bring all these factors together to calculate your total ROI.

                Formula: ROI = (Gain from Investment – Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment

                Example Calculation: Gains: $145,600 (time savings) + $100,000 (error reduction) + $104,000 (increased billable hours) + $100,000 (improved client retention) = $449,600 Costs: $50,000 (annual AI tool cost) + $10,000 (one-time setup) ROI for first year = ($449,600 – $60,000) / $60,000 = 649% ROI

                Implementation Advice:

                    • Start Small: Begin with a pilot project in one practice area or defined list of tasks to prove the concept.

                    • Get Buy-In: Involve key stakeholders early to ensure adoption across the firm. The ROI calculations you just made should prove helpful here.

                    • Provide Thorough Training: Invest in comprehensive training to maximize the benefits of AI tools.

                    • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review the performance of AI implementations and be ready to make adjustments.

                    • Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest developments in legal AI to ensure your firm remains competitive.


                  Calculating the ROI of AI in your law firm involves more than just looking at direct cost savings. By considering factors like improved quality, increased billable hours, and enhanced client satisfaction, you can get a true picture of the value AI brings to your firm. While the initial investment may seem significant, the potential returns in efficiency, accuracy, and client service can be substantial. As you move forward with AI implementation, remember that the key to success lies in careful planning, thorough training, and ongoing evaluation.

                  Ready to explore how AI can boost your firm’s ROI? Our team of legal tech experts is here to help you assess your firm’s needs and implement the right AI solutions. Contact us today for a personalized ROI analysis and see how our AI-powered tools can transform your practice.